The Freq Show
Our mission is to live the highest frequency lifestyle possible through the way we think, eat, relate, and interact with our environment. In the Freq Show, we explore the Frequency of Belief (knowing what you want, acting on it, and believing relentlessly that it is yours), healing your mind through healing your thoughts, & optimizing your life through harmonizing with the best frequencies possible.
Your hosts, Sam Thurmond and Jaclyn Steele Thurmond, are conquering the worlds of real estate investing, interior design, and high frequency entrepreneurship via their business, Beckon. Partners in both business and life, Sam and Jaclyn invite you to join them on an exhilarating journey of mindset growth, development, and proof around how The Frequency of Belief has the power to change EVERYTHING.
46. Finance: 3 Must-read books to change your financial trajectory

45. Personal Development - Grace for Tough times

44. Home: Outer order, Inner calm - 5 tips for home organization

43. Personal Development: 9 Reasons you need to spend time alone

42. Mindset: 4 ways to sustain your own energy

41. What to expect from The Freq Show in 2025

40. What would you like to see from yourself in 2025?

39. Protecting your Energy during Holiday Season

38. Energetic & Chi Mastery with the extraordinary Banya Lim

37. Our experience with waiting to have children

36. The millionaire next door mindset

35. What impact do unspoken expectations have in relationships?

34. How conflict can lead to getting on the same frequency as your partner

33. Preparing our Election Day Mindset

32. Healing Your Mind: Transforming Thoughts for Higher Frequency Living

31. The healing power of Solfeggio Frequencies

30. Take back your time: Mastering social media boundaries

29. What happens after you achieve a big goal?

28. The Antidote to Fear

27. Letting go of the need for approval

26. Speaking out in times of censorship

25. Is your clothing toxic?

24. How to tune your frequency

23. Internalization - When taking responsibility is a bad thing

22. Getting to the root of anxiety to foster healing