The Freq Show

42. Mindset: 4 ways to sustain your own energy

Sam Thurmond & Jaclyn Steele Thurmond Season 1 Episode 42

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In this episode, Jaclyn reflects on the challenges of maintaining high-frequency energy amidst a busy holiday season filled with travel, family, and multiple demands. After experiencing burnout from over-committing and pushing herself to the limit, she shares her personal plan for 2025 to sustain her energy and achieve a healthier balance. Jaclyn emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, listening to her gut, and committing to activities that bring joy and alignment. She discusses the need for pre-emptively calibrating her energy through meditation, rest, and self-care, while also learning to say no to protect her well-being. This episode is a candid reflection on how to sustain high-frequency energy and prioritize personal health while balancing the demands of life and work.



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Hello, hello, hello and welcome to The Freq Show. Today we are going to be focusing on mindset and, specifically four ways to sustain your own energy. I am excited to be categorizing out these episodes so that, as you are scrolling through all of the options you have, in whatever platform you listen to podcast episodes, you can pick and choose what really stands out to you from our podcast and hopefully, everything stands out to you. But I value your time, I value your energy and with that, I want this new way of naming our episodes to be something that is helpful for you. If you have any feedback on that at all, feel free to DM me, reach out however you want, and I'd love to hear your feedback. So, four ways to sustain your own energy. I am writing this because I need this information and let me just paint the picture.


Since mid-November no early November my husband and I went to Italy with our son and my mother and my mother-in-law. We got back from Italy right before Thanksgiving. Then the holiday season set in and we had a family-filled holiday season with multiple guests. Our home was like a temporary Airbnb. I remember one day stripping the beds. We have two guest rooms right now because our son still co-sleeps with us, so his room is like part of this Airbnb situation, and I was stripping the beds my husband was helping me too and putting the bedding back on the same day for more guests to come. So, while I'm grateful for family, it's also been a lot. And then, in addition to that first world problem, our nanny unexpectedly became a yoga teacher and gave us her two weeks notice the week before Christmas, so it was actually just one week of notice, which everything happens for us, I truly, truly believe that, and it's wonderful. What has happened since? However, as someone with a loaded work schedule and a lot on their plate, there's been a lot of logistical things to figure out, and Sam is absolutely in the same boat. He's taken on an additional project that I'll let him tell you guys about. I don't even know if I've told you guys about this, but I was hired by an NFL player and his beautiful wife to completely redo this home for them, and so we have just had so much going on.


Our lives have kind of been upended with lack of a schedule since November, the holiday season, guests not having a nanny, and that you know, normal scheduling, and so it has been a challenging start to the new year and today is the 20th Inauguration Day, woohoo! Yes! And I also haven't really had time to set intentions for the new year in a way that I like to do it, where I take some space, I take some quiet, I have a cup of tea. I really think about what I want to call in and what I want to do, because I've basically been in survival mode and Sam has basically been in survival mode, but for the few minutes that I did think about it, what I thought was I have got to figure out how to sustain my own high vibrational, high frequency energy throughout the year. If my voice sounds a little stuffed up, it's because I have whatever flu is going around. I think I'm on the tail end of it, but I still have a lot of congestion. So if I sound stuffy, that's why but here's the deal I have a tendency to go, go, go until the wheels fall off and my adrenal glands and my nervous system are just totally taxed.


My husband has said to me you don't know how to relax, you don't know how to take a vacation, even in Italy. You know we were there for two weeks, which, oh my gosh, what a privilege. I was always on my feet, always doing something. I always wanted to see something. Rather than and I took a few moments, but rather than really like soaking it in I kept myself on the go, which is my issue. Nobody's forcing me to do that, but just goes to show you I have a tendency to go until the wheels fall off. Like I said, my adrenals and my nervous system are just taxed and then, as a result, it takes me a while to recover and I get really frustrated that I'm not as fruitful as I want to be. But if I take a step back from an objective perspective, it's so hard to create when you don't have any gas in the tank, right, it's hard to be fruitful, to be productive when you are zapped.


So I'm writing this episode for myself as much as I'm writing it for you, and figuring out how to sustain my own high frequency. Energy is of the utmost importance to me, because it's my Achilles heel right now that I will go, go, go and then burn out. And go, go, go and burn out, and I've talked about this on my former podcast, Self-worth. This is my tendency. This is my Achilles heel. I get so excited that I don't know when to stop and then my body forces me to stop, which, if you've ever been there, not a great feeling. So I want to master like truly master how to sustain my own high frequency energy. I can't keep cycling the way that I have before, and I'm sure that's why I got sick again. Right, I'm sick right now with whatever this is that's going around. So I want to share my plan with you and the thoughts that I wrote down in regard to sustaining my own energy and how to do that. And really it's so simple. A lot of this is stuff that you'll go. Yeah, that's a no brainer.


But for those of us that are type A, that always feel like we are needing to do the next thing, we can't sit down. We've got to be doing the laundry and making the dinner and writing the podcast episode and being the best mom and best wife ever. These are just friendly, gentle reminders to keep in our back pocket when we start to feel our high vibrational, high frequency energy decreasing. So, number one is that, this is a I want to explain this to you a little bit before I say it. But my Achilles heel, just like running and running until the wheels fall off is over committing, and that's the sister to that right. So my Achilles heel is over committing myself. I have always done this.


When my husband and I first started dating, he was like your schedule is so jam-packed, how do you sustain this? There's no room for anything. And he was right. And I think, psychologically, when we overschedule ourselves, we're probably trying to avoid something. Maybe not, maybe some of us just love being productive and love being very efficient, which that's definitely part of me. But I know, for instance, when I was in Italy, there was some stuff going on that I was just like, all right, I got to keep going, I got to keep going, I got to keep going. So what I am going to commit to do to doing is, when an opportunity comes up, when a lunch date, brunch date, dinner date, business, whatever anything comes up, I am going to stop, look at my schedule and the demands on my time that are already in existence and then make a decision. So I'm going to stop, I'm going to consider what's already on my schedule and the demands on my time and then make a decision.


I know this sounds elementary, but my default is the word yes. It just is. My default is yes and I know in my guts when I agree to something that's out of alignment. Yet I often do it because I'm a people pleaser. I don't want to hurt people's feelings, and this happens often with committing my time and committing our home to guests coming through, and I love having people over. But the whole Airbnb scenario where we are saying goodbye to guests and then welcoming new ones in the same 24 hour period, is too much and it has to stop.


I have an almost three-year-old, I have a demanding career, I have a husband, I have a dog, which she's much less demanding than anything else, but I just I can't say yes to everything anymore and have high frequency mental health, high frequency physical health, high frequency spiritual health. I just can't, and I have to love myself enough to say no. And may this be permission for you to love yourself enough to say no, Okay. So that's number one. I'm going to stop my automatic yes and look at my schedule and the demands on my time before I make a decision. Number two is I want to consistently, preemptively, calibrate my own energy. Sam, and I have an app that helps us do this, but you can do it however you want. Maybe it's taking a walk for you.


Meditation, doing things that I love to do, like reading, like spending time with my close friends, like going on a date with my husband, working on projects that bring me joy. This project for the NFL player and his family has been like a joy bomb. It's been so much fun to work on and I'm so grateful for it. Also, eating well, exercising, sleeping If I want to have high frequency energy and sustain my own energy, I have to be intentional about calibrating it right and getting ready for my day, and so for me, that looks like and I was so consistent with this before having a child, and so some of that is just to be expected when you become a mother. But I was so consistent with meditating In one of my old meditation apps I think I had like 275 days of straight meditation. So so, so consistent and committed. But meditation, oh, it helps me so much and the calibrations in our Freq App help me so much.


Truly, I write those, and Sam writes those, because we need to hear them and if we need to hear them, chances are through universal intelligence. You need to hear them. Other people need to hear them. They're so beautiful and they tune the frequency of our energy. Also, reading in the morning and doing some journaling, even if it's just a couple of sentences, this calibrates my energy. This gets me ready for the day when I am on my game. I also do journaling, where I and I've talked about this in a calibration and in the podcast, but I future frequency compose where I talk about the energy that I want to feel throughout the day and call it in before I even feel it.


So calibrating my energy, eating high frequency foods, you know high quality protein, high quality veggies, high quality fruits, beans, nuts all the things that are one ingredient that makes me feel so energetic. Exercising, sleeping I've been so out of my routine the last couple of months and I've gone to the gym here and there, but it hasn't been nearly as consistent as it usually is. And sometimes that happens and it's okay and I'm not going to beat myself up over it. But when I exercise regularly, I feel better. When I eat well, I feel better, not only physically but mentally and spiritually. When I sleep well, it changes everything. I got almost nine hours of sleep last night. That is the first time in weeks, maybe months, that that has happened and I feel totally, totally different, approaching my day with that kind of well-slept energy, so intentionally calibrating my energy every day so that it can be sustainable, because you cannot go forward on an empty tank. You just can't All right.


Number three is space and alone time. These are self-explanatory, but I have found that, because I've pushed myself so hard, when it's time to then create, I go well, I don't really have any ideas right now, versus when I give myself 30 minutes or an hour or even oh, moms, you can totally relate to this like a luscious full day or something like that, where you have time and space to yourself. All these ideas bubble up, all of these inspirational things bubble up when I have some space and some alone time. And if I don't schedule that, it doesn't usually happen. And so I need to go back to the artist date from Julia Cameron. She wrote the Artist's Way and every week she takes herself on an artist date, and I need to go back to that way of thinking, where space and alone time is not a luxury, it's a necessity, because it allows me to show up as the most high frequency version of myself. So I need that space, I need that alone time and I need to be intentional about it every single week, even if it's one hour a week. I need that for my physical health, I need that for my mental health, I need that for my spiritual health. It makes me such a better person in every area of my life Better mother, wife, friend, business partner, etc.


And then the last thing and I touched on this, though is sleep and rest. These are areas that I have, in the past, neglected. I remember when my son was born. Well before my son was born, I had horrible, horrible pregnancy insomnia my entire pregnancy, so I was up almost every night for a couple of hours, if not more, and it was brutal, brutal. And then, after you have a baby, obviously you're up a lot, because they wake up throughout the night to be fed, and then, after those beginning stages of Roman waking up all night, I was still waking up all the time to go check on him to make sure he was okay, and also because my nervous system was just completely shot, and so my sleep schedule was completely shot, and I kept on working throughout the day and going about life as if I had all the energy in the world and I literally burnt my adrenals out. Literally. I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, which causes thyroid issues and all kinds of other myriad issues.


Right, so we need our bodies to be in balance and in order to be in balance, we have to have sleep, we have to have rest. If you struggle in these areas, I encourage you to get whatever help is necessary to dial these in For sleep. I love a good sleep mask. I love my aura ring. I love magnesium. I think there are all kinds of really wonderful herbal supplements that you can take and, if necessary, I pop a Unisom. A Unisom is an over-the-counter, non-addictive sleep medication that, if I really need it, I will take one and knock myself out so that I can get some freaking sleep.


It is so important for every aspect of our lives physically, mentally, spiritually, all the things we need sleep and we need rest. I am, historically, regarding rest, someone who you know. If you're going to watch a movie, I will sit down, but then I'll get up 45 times to do things that I think I need to do Switch out the laundry, fold the laundry, text someone that I forgot to text earlier, look up something on Amazon that I need to buy because we're almost out of X, Y and Z. I just, It's hard for me to turn my brain off. And what I've realized as I've gotten older. I'm 38 now I'm hopefully becoming wise, as these gray hairs are popping up. Rest is not a luxury, it's a necessity.


I was listening to a pastor yesterday, Mark Driscoll, and it was a sermon that he gave over a year ago, but I was listening to it and he was talking about how sleep and rest are biblical. It's, you know, on the seventh day God rested after creating creation and humanity. It's biblical and in our American culture that gosh in so many ways. I appreciate and love that. I was born in this country where people are free to dream and go after their dreams. I know it's harder for some than others. I don't want to deny any of that. I know that there's a lot of corruption in our country. I know that there's a lot that needs to be worked on, although I have a lot of hope for the next four years.


I think our culture has lost the ability to really rest and sleep and enjoy life because we have been so on the go that our nervous systems are screwed up, our adrenals are screwed up, our sleep is screwed up and we just have to heal that. If we want to be the best, we have to rest. I mean, truly, we have got to sleep and rest. So the four ways that I am working on and hopefully this is helpful for you, but the four ways that I am working, the four areas that I'm working on to sustain my own energy are stopping that automatic yes, and looking at my calendar, considering the demands on my time and then making a decision when an opportunity comes up.


Second thing is intentionally, preemptively calibrating my energy so that I show up as the version of myself that I want to show up as every day. Right, the version that you are listening to right now isn't quite that, but she's getting there, she's starting to feel better and I want to be that all the time and life happens. We can't be it 100% of the time, but I bet you I can be it most of the time. Third thing is space and alone time and being intentional about that, scheduling it out, making sure you have some space to think and be inspired and create and do those things that fill you up. And then, last, sleep and rest. Really good sleep, and I'm talking about eight hours and rest Eight hours or more, and then rest.


We need rest every single day. So turning off the computer, turning off the phone and putting it in another room, allowing not only your body to rest, but your brain, your spirit, your soul, we need it. We need these things in order to be the highest frequency version of ourselves. So I hope this information was helpful for you. Thank you so much for listening. I want to give each and every one of you a giant hug. All right, Live on purpose. Live on frequency.


Thank you so much for listening to The Freq Show with Sam Thurmond and me Jaclyn Steele Thurmond. We would love to connect with you via our website beckonlivingcom, and on social media.


You can find us on Instagram and Tik Tok @beckon living, and you can join our email list to receive uplifting messages, podcast and business updates and discounts on high frequency products Just for our Freqy community. Cheers to High Frequency Living!

