The Freq Show
Our mission is to live the highest frequency lifestyle possible through the way we think, eat, relate, and interact with our environment. In the Freq Show, we explore the Frequency of Belief (knowing what you want, acting on it, and believing relentlessly that it is yours), healing your mind through healing your thoughts, & optimizing your life through harmonizing with the best frequencies possible.
Your hosts, Sam Thurmond and Jaclyn Steele Thurmond, are conquering the worlds of real estate investing, interior design, and high frequency entrepreneurship via their business, Beckon. Partners in both business and life, Sam and Jaclyn invite you to join them on an exhilarating journey of mindset growth, development, and proof around how The Frequency of Belief has the power to change EVERYTHING.
The Freq Show
24. How to tune your frequency
In Episode 24 of the Freq Show, we'll introduce you to the transformative power of frequency calibration. We're excited to unveil the groundbreaking Freq App, designed to harmonize your energy and mental state through curated messages and frequency music. We'll unpack the science behind the law of vibration and share practical tips to calibrate your daily energy. In the second half, we'll showcase the user-friendly design and multi-platform availability of the Freq App, replacing traditional meditation with intentional frequency tuning. With tailored frequencies for various activities and moods and a free five-day trial, you can seamlessly integrate this tool into your life and start generating the feelings you desire.
Do the Impossible by Jason Drees
Instagram: @beckonliving, @jaclynsteele, @samthurmond_rei
TikTok: @beckonliving
Text us at 480-531-6858 and type the word FREQUENCY to receive periodic uplifting, high frequency text messages from Sam and Jaclyn. You can also join by following this link.
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Welcome to the Freq Show. We are on episode number 24, and this is a really special episode because we're going to talk about how to tune your frequency. And you know we are all about that frequency, all about the energy. The name of our show is the Freq Show. Our app is called Freq App, so I would say this podcast episode is probably going to drop the same week that our our app drops.
Jaclyn:If all goes well, our app will have dropped August 26th. This will be coming out a couple of days later and you should be able to download and use it, and essentially, this app is what I wanted to hear in the morning midday, when I need a refresh. It is incredible powerful messages that you or I wrote, combined with frequency music literal frequency that affects your physical body and your mental state, and so it is a way to tune your energy on the daily. Most of the calibrations are between three minutes and like seven minutes, so they're very short, sweet things that will uplift you. It's an amazing tool to have in your pocket. I know I've already been using it and it it changes the way I feel, truly changes the way that I feel.
Sam:Yeah, so the Freq app is a calibration tool to tune your frequency, and today we're going to talk about, I guess, in a way, how the app goes about doing that and how we, as human beings, can go about tuning our frequency.
Jaclyn:Yeah, and a couple more announcements before we get into the meat and potatoes of this episode. If you haven't left us a review, please do. We read every single one we have. It delights us that people take time to leave us a review. Please do we read every single one. It delights us that people take time to leave us a review, and it also creates more traction for the show. So if you haven't left us a review, please do. We also read them on the show at times, too, to give shout outs to those people. Then, lastly, if you haven't signed up for our newsletter, the Beckon Times, you can do so in the show notes or by going to our Instagram profile and clicking on the link. We are sharing all kinds of things that we are launching in the next few months. We have some really exciting things up our sleeves and we can't wait to share them with you. They're all geared toward making your life better making our lives better.
Jaclyn:Yeah. So if you want to be in the know about those, please join our newsletter, Beckon times times, and if you haven't joined our text messaging society, the high frequency society, do so as well. We send out weekly just really high vibe messages that are meant to lift you up. If you want to do that, you can text us at 480-531-6858. That's 480-531-6858., that's 480-531-6858. And opt in. It's me or Sam on the other line. We literally speak to the people that are in the group. So please join us. We'd love to have you.
Sam:Awesome, good stuff. Okay, so how to tune your frequency? I think to kick it off. It always helps me to understand the logic behind things.
Jaclyn:You don't say?
Sam:Yeah. So I'll try to go through this efficiently and not drone on about it. But it always just helps me and maybe it's my guy mind, I don't know but it helps me if I can understand. I guess the quote unquote science and mechanics behind things so I can accept them a lot of times.
Jaclyn:And I come at it from a feeling space where I go hmm, that really resonates as truth, or hmm, that really doesn't resonate as truth. So, yeah.
Sam:So a couple of things here to break down energy frequency how, how tuning our frequency is helpful to creating more of that same frequency experience in our lives. That's what we're going to talk about. So to start out, I'm going to talk or just define. Give you a few definitions. Sorry, I'm getting excited about it, I'm stumbling over my words and Jackie wants me to go quickly through this. So I'm trying my best. But I want to start out with the foundation of what is a natural law.
Sam:So natural law is defined as a system of law based on close observation of natural order and human nature. So what we observe in the world, in the universe, that's considered natural law. So now, if you have a little arrow that goes from natural law down to law of vibration, so law of vibration would be considered a natural law. All matter is in a constant state of motion. Vibration is synonymous with frequency of motion. Vibration is synonymous with frequency. So the law of vibration, all matter is in a constant state of motion. That motion is vibration and that vibration is called frequency. So the big thing that I think a lot of our listeners and a lot of what we discuss as far as frequency of belief is the law of attraction or manifestation. So what this is is basically saying that we are attracting the same frequencies that we emanate. So like frequencies attract other thoughts and generate other feelings of like frequencies. So that's basically what it boils down to.
Sam:You know, if you've read the seek, the sacred it's mandatory that we say it like that, because that's how the audio book is read. But if you read that, you know lately or how many years ago . T T That's T Tt's what ha t's they're talking about. Basically is what it boils down to that like frequencies attract black frequencies, Okay. So that's kind of the breakdown and that's that's really the core of what we're talking about here, when we're talking about actively every day calibrating and tuning your frequency to that frequency that you want to experience in life from a day-to-day basis.
Sam:So as we talk about a little more about frequency, frequency is on a spectrum. Can you explain that a little bit more?
Jaclyn:Yeah! I think it's also important to note something that you have in your notes here is that we emit electromagnetic frequencies that are generated by our feelings, and I want to give a perfect example of this. It would have been about a year before I met you, year before I met you, so I was 20, 21 years old. I made a list of all the characteristics I wanted in a husband and I wrote it in my journal. It was probably 20 to 25 characteristics, and I said it. You know the saying set it and forget it. I set it and forgot it and allowed it to just be trusting that God would bring me that person eventually.
Jaclyn:I was in no rush, I wasn't looking the night we met.
Jaclyn:I was not looking for my future husband, though I did have a premonition earlier that evening that I was going to meet someone significant, but I set it, forgot it, went about my business and I was working on becoming a better version of myself, and so, in many ways, the relationship that I got out of prior to being with you, I knew was not the right one and I knew that I needed to up level and keep growing, and in doing so, my vibration changed and I attracted a totally different partner and I think another really interesting to note and I think thing to note marriage wise is that you and I made a pact a long time ago that we would grow together, because in marriage you can take especially when you get married as young as we did.
Jaclyn:It's very easy to grow apart because you're growing up right, you're still learning so many significant lessons. But we decided that we were going to grow together and so I think as each of us has grown and up-leveled our own individual frequency, the other one has risen to meet that frequency because we have worked on matching our frequencies as we grow.
Jaclyn:You know, if you're a little ahead of me, I'm like, oh, I got to be on top of it. I got to figure this out.
Jaclyn:I got to tackle my fear mindset or whatever the case is, and we have over the course of our marriage. Not that everything's perfect, not that we want to be giving people marriage advice, but I think we have done a really good job of recognizing when you are up leveling. I want to up level with you and when I'm up leveling, you want to up level with me and I think that has kept us on the same page and kept our the foundation of our marriage, strong.
Sam:Yeah, yeah, and I think the other. The other observation is too is our frequencies. It's like the what are the little TikTok things that you put on a piano to keep the beat?
Jaclyn:A pendulum?
Jaclyn:Oh, but you're talking about a pendulum swing. Those are like tuners.
Sam:You know that video I shared the other day?
Jaclyn:Yeah, I don't know what they're called though.
Sam:But they all, they synchronize over a short period of time.
Jaclyn:They look like little baby pendulums.
Sam:Yeah. So, regardless, regardless of whatever the frequency is, we tend to meet each other in the middle. What you're saying.
Sam:And yeah, I think that that was a big. I skipped over like the whole culmination of what I was talking about earlier because I was in such a rush to be concise. But back to the vibration and the law of attraction and the frequency and everything that the easiest summary is thoughts generate feelings, feelings generate frequencies, energy frequencies, and so those frequencies are the uh, is the energy that we are emitted, emitted that is ultimately generated by our feelings. So that's why we have to tune our frequency, starting with our thoughts because, whatever we input and whatever produces the thought.
Sam:That thought is what produces the feeling, that produces the energy, that produces what we emit and then, ultimately, what we receive.
Jaclyn:Well, and it creates literal electromagnetic frequencies emitting off your body. Like that's been measured now.
Sam:Yeah, it's not like some woo-woo kind of thing that people can visually measure it. Yeah, visibly measure it.
Jaclyn:And because our bodies are composed primarily of water and water is affected very deeply by different vibrations and it takes on whatever vibration it's being directed at it. We have to both be careful what we are putting out and what we are allowing in. Yeah, very careful. So that's also why we created the free gap, so that you could constantly be calibrating your energy and emitting the frequency that you want to emit. So in the app, we are inputting frequency into each calibration literal frequency into each calibration, so that it can tune your physical and mental self.
Sam:Yeah, and if you're aware or unaware, I guess mainly if you're unaware different sound frequencies are tied to different feelings, and that's what you're going to basically go through here with the spectrum right, well, and there are all kinds of beautiful frequencies.
Jaclyn:There are frequencies that are called the sulfeggio frequencies, which relate to different chakras in the body. There are binaural beats, which are beautiful frequencies as well. There are angel frequencies, there's an earth frequency. There are I mean, there are so, so many frequencies.
Jaclyn:But one way that I think is helpful to think about this or to visualize this is within a chart that I have that I'll hold up if you're watching on YouTube. But this chart essentially is a. It helps you to understand the vibration of frequency, of frequency. So, at the bottom of the chart, the I don't want to call them low frequencies, because there are low, like binaural beats are considered low frequencies because there's not a lot of Hertz in them and it's a low tone. But it's not a low frequency as in like a negative frequency.
Jaclyn:But things that you don't want to vibe with, frequencies you don't want to magnetize to, are fear, unworthiness, jealousy, anger, hatred, discouragement, blame. In the middle of the chart, which I feel like so many people live at, is doubt, disappointment, being overwhelmed, frustration, pessimism, boredom. And as we move into the upper part of the chart, we've got contentment, hopefulness, optimism, positive expectation and belief, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness, passion, love, appreciation, joy, knowledge. You can tell what frequency you generally live on by tapping into how you're feeling. You know. Yeah, so it's not. None of this is rocket science. It's ancient. It is ancient, and I I I listened to a podcast recently and they were talking about frequency and how ancient Egyptians created rooms inside the pyramids as frequency rooms for healing and for different specific purposes. So this is technology, so to speak, that has been used for eons.
Sam:And we still haven't even scratched the surface of understanding. And I think they understood more than we do today as far as a lot of that goes, frequency goes, yeah, but rest assured, we're studying it because we want to implement as much mind healing as we possibly can. Well, it's a pretty simple thing to understand, honestly, like, if you want to experience certain things, then you need to get on the same wavelength. That's why people say you know, get on the same wavelength, that's what a frequency is it's all waves getting on the same wavelength yeah, so cool stuff, but, okay, so we talked about that.
Sam:Do you want to talk about the app a little bit more?
Jaclyn:Well, I don't want to beat a dead horse here because this app is so exciting, I don't, I don't want to be talking about it forever and ever. I would rather you just go experience it and you can go to Freqapp. com to download it, or you can go into your app search. It's available on Android and Apple devices. If you search Freq app, you will log in and create a username and then you can get a five day free trial and experience the love and care and attention that we put into this and also the frequency composer that we found put into this. He did such an incredible job, creating a reality out of my vision, and the developers that we worked with in creating the app listened to all of my feedback and your feedback and did such a great job. We want to hear your feedback so we can continue to make the app better and better and better. This is just our first version of it, but we want this to be a tool that you have in your pocket that you can recalibrate your energy any time of day, whenever you want. It's so It's powerful.
Jaclyn:I woke up the other morning. I was going through kind of a tough time. If you listen to the last two episodes, 21 or 22., outlined what was going on, but I listened to the calibrations first thing in the morning, several of them in a row, and by the end of it I realized I was smiling and I didn't even notice I was smiling, but my cheeks were starting to hurt a little bit. And so I believe in these calibrations wholeheartedly. They make me feel different and I went from going in a state, or waking up in a state of frustration and a little bit of disappointment to feeling at peace and excited to take on the day.
Sam:Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, our energy is something that we have to constantly consciously foster, and if we don't, do that on a daily basis. Then we get out of whack. I know I do fairly easily. Yeah, take a day or two, or sometimes it takes like half a day. Yeah.
Sam:To get out of whack. So these are. These are nice because they're just very they're they're short. These are nice because they're just very they're they're short. You don't have to set aside an hour or two hours to sit, you know, in the dark and have complete quiet and meditate. These are, like you said, three to seven minutes not even meditations really.
Jaclyn:No, they're calibrations yeah.
Sam:The calibration, me so.
Jaclyn:They're not meant to be a meditation. I love meditation. I think meditation is extremely effective, but in my mind, meditation is used to get rid of your thoughts. The whole point of meditation is to clear the mechanism. With our calibrations, we're actually trying to tune the mechanism to specific thoughts, and so in some ways, it's the opposite of meditation.
Sam:That's true.
Jaclyn:And there are so many incredible meditation apps. There are apps that do positive messages with cool music, but we wanted to create an app where we had incredible messages with specific frequency music. So I'll write a message and then I choose a specific frequency music. So I'll write a message and then I choose a specific frequency and then send that whole message the summary of my message, of how I want someone to feel after listening to it, combined with the frequency that I chose, and then the composer creates the music to go with it.
Sam:Yeah, so messages are personal too. Like there's there, we share stories, our own experiences, our own history a lot of times in those, and I think that it is very helpful for will be very helpful for the listeners and the users, because there's also a sense of you know you're not alone in this either.
Sam:You know we're taught.
Sam:We're, we, we are. We made this calibration because we've been in this situation where we need this alignment and this calibration ourselves. So I think it's very, it's very cool because it's it's personal from that sense which you know is unlike other apps out there.
Jaclyn:Yeah, and the last thing I'll note is that we have about 20 different frequencies you can tune to, and then we also have calibrations listed by activity, and I think we have about 20 categories as of right now, but we're constantly adding to the app. So you can tune to joy, or you can tune to passion, or you can tune to self-belief, but you can also go hey, I'm going to take a walk or I'm in a cold plunge today and I want a calibration to listen to while I cold plunge. We've got a cold plunge category. We've got a red light therapy category. We've got a PEMF category. We have legs up the wall category. We have commuting to work category.
Sam:Legs up the wall category.
Jaclyn:Yeah. Legs up the wall. Hey, if you're a woman, if you know, you know he wouldn't be making fun of it if he did it. But we have all of these categories so that you can really personalize this for your life and really integrate it in a way that feels sustainable. That's really. What I want is that somebody will interact with this app and feel like it can just fit seamlessly into their lives so that they use it often because it is so effective. Yeah, all right. Anything else you want to add about how to tune your frequency?
Sam:Well, I think one of the the overall concept and we've talked about um, we've talked about Jason Drees book do the impossible. A lot and I would you know say that that has had a major impact on on us and our thought system as as well, as you know led to wanting to develop this app. But ultimately it all comes down to generating the feeling inside that you desire and emanating that energy. Visualization is very helpful, visualization is important, but really what you're trying to get to is the feeling of whatever it is you're pursuing, whatever you want to accomplish whatever it is you're visualizing.
Sam:Right, because that's how you are, that's how you collapse. Time, because you are energy. So if you become the energy of whatever it is you are desire in the future, if you literally change your energy to that now you're, you're folding time, you're, you're becoming what you desire right now, and then the physical world will change around you. So that's the concept.
Jaclyn:Yeah, Joe Dispenza says when you change your energy, you change your life, and I love visualization, though I'm not very good at it. So I visualize through journaling. I call it future frequency composing. I've talked about it before on Instagram. I've talked about it before in this podcast I did a calibration about it but essentially I write as my future self, in the present tense, as if what I want to happen has already happened, and I feel those feelings. And so I, while I think what Joe Dispenza does visualization wise is so powerful, I'm just not very good at it. So I like to write, and that really helps me to cement those feelings in my mind and really feel those feelings.
Jaclyn:So, however you want to do, it is great, but we created what we feel like would be the most effective for us, and we're hoping that it will really really lift you up too.
Sam:Yeah, it will, I know it will.
Jaclyn:I think so too.
Sam:Do you have a question to leave everybody with today?
Jaclyn:Yes, will you go download our app.
Jaclyn:The Freq app. Anyways, thank you guys, so much for tuning in. If you're on YouTube, we love you. If you're listening through whatever platform, we love you too, and we can't wait to see you next week.
Sam:Yep, talk to you soon.
Jaclyn:Okay, bye. Thank you so much for listening to Freq show with Sam Thurmond and me Jaclyn Steele Thurmond. We would love to connect with you via our website, beckonliving. com, and on social media.
Sam:You can find us on Instagram and TikTok @beckonl iving and you can join our email list to receive uplifting messages, podcast and business updates and discounts on high-frequency products just for freqy community. Cheers to high-frequency living.